
  • Endah Rahayu Lestari Universitas Brawijaya
  • Hanifa Kirana Putri Universitas Brawijaya
  • Cornelia Anindita Universitas Brawijaya
  • Maria Bernadhetta Laksmiari Universitas Brawijaya



Green Advertising, Green Product, , Green Trust, Minat Beli, Kepedulian Lingkungan




 Pertumbuhan industri minuman non-alcoholic ready to drink (RTD) di Indonesia kian meningkat seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat. Berkaitan dengan maraknya isu lingkungan akibat kegiatan industri yang tidak bertanggung jawab, beberapa perusahaan minuman RTD berupaya menerapkan strategi green marketing yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat beli konsumen terhadap produk hijau. Kerangka pikir penelitian ini menggunakan Theory of Reasoned Action, yang menjelaskan bahwa minat seseorang terbentuk dari sikap dan norma subjektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empirik pengaruh green product, green advertising, dan kepedulian lingkungan, terhadap green trust dan selanjutnya menguji hubungan antara green trust terhadap minat beli produk hijau. Penelitian ini menggunakan pemodelan struktural dan pengolahan data menggunakan WarpPLS 4.0 (Partial Least Square). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Malang. Penentuan responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sebanyak 280 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa green product, green advertising, dan kepedulian lingkungan masing-masing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap green trust. Selanjutnya terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara green trust dengan minat beli produk hijau.  

Kata kunci: Green Advertising; Green Product; Green Trust; Minat Beli; Kepedulian Lingkungan;



The growth of the non-alcoholic ready to drink (RTD) beverage industry in Indonesia is increasing along with changes in people's lifestyles. Regarding the environmental issues due to irresponsible industrial activities, some RTD beverage companies are trying to implement a green marketing strategy aimed at increasing consumer buying interest in green products. This research framework uses Theory of Reasoned Action, which explains that a person's interests are formed from attitudes and subjective norms. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect of green products, green advertising, and environmental concern on green trusts, then analyze the relationship between green trusts and purchase intention of green products. This study uses structural modeling with the WarpPLS 4.0 (Partial Least Square) method for data analysis. The study was conducted in Malang and the selection of 280 respondents used purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that green products, green advertising, and environmental concern each had a significant positive effect on green trust. Furthermore, there is a positive relationship between green trust and purchase intention.

Keywords: Green Advertising;  Green Product; Green Trust; Environmental Concern; Purchase Intention


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