



Gracilaria gigas, Karakteristik, Kenikir, Nori



Bahan baku nori umunya rumput laut jenis Porphyra, di Indonesia rumput laut jenis Porphyra sulit ditemukan dan dibudidayakan. Sulitnya rumput laut jenis ini ditemukan mengakibatkan Indonesia mengimpor nori kepada negara penghasil, data Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan tahun 2014 menunjukkan Indonesia mengimpor nori mencapai 2 Milyar per tahun. Rumput laut merah jenis Gracilaria gigasbanyak ditemukan di Indonesia dengan penambahan daun kenikir dapat dijadikan alternatif  sebagai bahan baku  pembuatan nori. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan rumput laut merah Gracilaria gigas dan daunsebagai bahan baku  pembuatan norisehingga mendapatkan karakteristik fisik, kimia dengan atribut sensori yang dapat diterima konsumen. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan percobaan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktoryaitu ukuran mesh penyaringandankonsentrasi daun kenikir yang ditambahkan. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan penyaringan ukuran 60 mesh dan konsentrasi daun kenikir 5%  menghasilkan nori Gracilaria gigasterbaik. Pada hasil analisis karakteristik kimia diperoleh nilai kadar air 11,04%, kadar abu 6,77%, kadar protein 22,44%, kadar lemak 0,85%, karbohidrat 58,91%, serat kasar 9,41%, dan aktivitas antioksidan IC50 38,796 mg AAE/g. Sedangkan hasil analisis karakteristik fisik diperoleh ketebalan  0,11 mm, kuat tarik 11,23N, elongasi 0,65 cm, warna L 42,0, warna a -0,20 dan warna b  4,3. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sensori menggunakan RATA (Rate All That Apply) dengan 100 panelis konsumen menunjukkan nori Gracilaria gigas tidak berbeda dengan nori komersil dan dapat diterima konsumen.



The raw material of nori is generally made of porphyra which is hardly found and cultivated in Indonesia. Indonesia imports from the country which produces and cultivates the porphyra wheat due to the scarcity. The Dinas Kelautan and Perikanan (DKP, 2014) shows that Indonesia imports nori 2 billion per year. Another type of wheat, Gracilariagigas, is found in Indonesia which can be used as the alternative raw material of nori if combined with thinkin leaf. This study aims at making use of the Gracilaria gigasand the thinkin leaf as the ingridient of producing nori which meets the physical characteristic and chemical sensory ttribute so that it can be accepted by the consumers. The study employs an experimental design which involves the random sampling method with two varibales, the size of filtering mesh and the  concentrate of thinkin leaf added. The result shows that the tretament using 60-mesh filtering and concentrate of the 5% of the thinkin leaf concentrate produces the best noriGracilaria gigas. The result of the analysis shows that the values of chemical characteristics are 11.04% water, 6.77% ash, 22.44% of protein, 0.85% of fat, 58.91% of carbohidrate, 9.41% of rough fiber, and IC50 38,796 mg AAE/g antioxidant activities. Tresult of phsical characteristics are as follows, the thickness is 0.11 mm, the tortion is 11.23N, the elongationi is 0.65, the colour is L42,0; colour A is -0.20 and colour B is 4.3. Based on the result of sensory analysis using RATA (Rate All That Apply) from 100 participants  shows that Gracilaria gigas nori is not significantly different from the commercial nori and well accepted by the consumers.

Author Biographies

Pinctada Putri Pamungkas, Universitas Brawijaya

Fakultas Tekhnologi Pertanian

Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, Universitas Brawijaya

Fakultas Tekhnologi Pertanian

Kiki Fibrianto, Universitas Brawijaya

Universitas Brawijaya


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