Kukus; Protein in vitro; Rebus; Tanin; Tripsin InhibitorAbstract
Biji Petai (Parkia speciosa Hassk.) merupakan komoditas kacang-kacangan khas Indonesia dengan kandungan protein yang tinggi. Namun, biji Petai juga dikenal mengandung senyawa antigizi asam fitat, tanin dan tripsin inhibitor yang dapat menurunkan nilai cerna protein. Proses pengolahan konvensional kukus selama 10 menit, rebus selama 8 menit, dan goreng selama 2 menit dilakukan untuk menurunkan senyawa antigizi dan meningkatkan kecernaan protein biji Petai. Biji Petai yang digunakan untuk analisis adalah biji Petai bubuk yang telah dikeringkan menggunakan freeze dryer. Efek proses pengolahan divaluasi senyawa gizi, antigizi, dan nilai cerna protein in vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses pengolahan kukus, rebus, dan goreng terhadap senyawa gizi (kadar air, protein, lemak, abu, dan karbohidrat), antigizi (asam fitat, tanin, serta tripsin inhibitor), dan kecernaan protein in vitro pada Petai. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Satu Faktor, yaitu jenis proses pengolahan. Data diolah dengan One Way ANOVA menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 2.1 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, kemudian dilanjutkan uji Duncan apabila terdapat beda nyata. Diperoleh hasil bahwa ketiga proses pengolahan tersebut signifikan menurunkan konsentrasi senyawa antigizi asam fitat, tanin, serta tripsin inhibitor. Proses perebusan merupakan proses pengolahan terbaik yang dapat menurunkan senyawa antigizi asam fitat sebesar 75%, tanin sebesar 49%, dan tripsin inhibitor sebesar 70%. Proses pengolahan kukus dan rebus secara signifikan meningkatkan nilai cerna protein in vitro, yaitu masing-masing sebanyak 0,84% dan 2,55%. Temuan ini dapat dijadikan referensi proses pengolahan bagi konsumen biji Petai di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan manfaat asupan protein dari biji Petai dengan maksimal.
Petai seeds (Parkia speciosa Hassk) are a typical Indonesian legume commodity with high protein content. However, Petai seeds are also known to contain anti-nutritional compounds phytic acid, tannins, and trypsin inhibitors that can reduce protein digestibility. The conventional processing process was steamed for 10 min, boiled for 8 min, and fried for 2 min to reduce antioxidant compounds and increase the protein digestibility of Petai seeds. Petai seeds used for analysis are powdered Petai seeds that have been dried using a freeze dryer. The effects of the processing were evaluated for nutritional compounds, antinutrients, and protein digestibility values in vitro. This study aims to determine the effect of steamed, boiled, and fried processing on nutritional compounds (water content, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrates), antinutrients (phytic acid, tannins, and trypsin inhibitors), and protein digestibility in vitro in Petai. The research was conducted with a one-factor completely randomized design, namely the type of processing. The data was processed by One Way ANOVA using the SPSS 2.1 application with a 95% confidence level, then continued with Duncan's test if there was a significant difference. The results showed that the three processing processes significantly reduced the concentration of anti-nutritional compounds phytic acid, tannins, and trypsin inhibitors. The boiling process is the best processing process that can reduce the antioxidant compounds of phytic acid by 75%, tannins by 49%, and trypsin inhibitors by 70%. Steamed and boiled processing significantly increased the protein digestibility in vitro, which were 0.84% and 2.55%, respectively. This finding can be used as a reference for the processing process for consumers of Petai seeds in Indonesia to get the maximum benefit of protein intake from Petai seeds
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