Hotel Syariah, Ketelusuran, Restoran Halal, Wisata SyariahAbstract
Wisata syariah merupakan trend baru pariwisata di dunia. Peluang wisata syariah berpotensi sangat menguntungkan, tidak hanya bagi Muslim tapi juga non-Muslim. Wisata syariah mewadahi banyak industri, salah satunya hotel syariah. Syarat menjadikan hotel syariah, salah satu aspek yang harus dipenuhi yaitu restoran hotel harus merencanakan menu halal. UNIDA Gontor Inn merupakan salah satu hotel di Ponorogo milik Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor yang belum memiliki sertifikat hotel syariah. Untuk itu, perlu penelusuran di Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn secara menyeluruh baik pada katering dalam maupun katering luar. Penelusuran menggunakan metode Halal Assurance System (HAS) 23102 Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan dan Obat-Obatan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI). Tujuan penelitian ini menentukan titik kritis kehalalan menu di Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn sehingga menunjang persiapan sertifikasi halal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan konsep model sistem jaminan halal di Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Penelusuran titik kritis halal pada 25 menu unggulan, terdapat  78 bahan baku, 7 merupakan bahan kritis. Artinya, semua menu yang diteliti telah tertelusur sebanyak 9% bahan  tidak memenuhi kriteria kritis. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan masukan bagi manajemen UNIDA Gontor Inn untuk melakukan perbaikan sebagai pendukung dokumen untuk proses sertifikasi halal oleh LPPOM MUI.
Sharia tourism is a new trend of tourism in the world. Sharia tourism opportunity is potentially very profitable, not only for Muslims but also non-Muslims. Sharia tourism accommodates many industries, especially sharia hotels. One of the aspects met to establish sharia hotel is restaurant should be able to serve halal menu. UNIDA Gontor Inn is one of the hotels in Ponorogo owned by University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor which does not yet have sharia hotel certificate. Therefore, it needs a search on the Resto of UNIDA Gontor Inn thoroughly both inside and outside catering. This search uses Halal Assurance System (HAS) 23102 the Assessment Institute for Foods and Drugs Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI). The aim of this study is to determine the critical point of halal menu in Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn, so it is able to support the preparation of halal certification. The result shows that the development of the concept of a halal assurance system model in Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn is very potential developed. The search of halal critical point on the 25 top menus, there are 78 raw materials and 7 are critical materials. It means all menus studied have been traced as much as 9% of the materials that do not meet the critical criteria. The implications of research finding can be used as recommendation for management of UNIDA Gontor Inn to do enhancement as supporting document for halal certification process by LPPOM MUI.
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